Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Hungarian Potatoes
By Babs Glazier @ 4:06 PM :: 16817 Views :: 212 Comments :: :: All, Salads, Entrees / Main Courses, Holidays, Dairy

Hungarian Potatoes


Babs Glazier


This is a potato casserole that my Hungarian mother always made and was a family favorite.  One year it occurred to me that it was perfect for Passover.  I didn't really have the recipe written down so I tried my best to create it.  It is actually better reheated the second day.  My mother mixes it up before reheating so more parts get crispy.  I like how it looks, though, so I leave it as is.


Food Editor's Note:  This is the winner of the Passover 2003 ShalomBoston.com Recipe Contest!  It is a delicious departure from the typical potato dish – satisfying and creamy, with the unexpected added taste of eggs and a bit of tang from the sour cream.  With a few simple ingredients and easy instructions, this is a great addition to our recipe file.  Serve the potatoes as a side with a fish entree or with a salad for a complete main course.




7-8 large potatoes

10 eggs

16-ounce container of sour cream

1/2 to 3/4 cup milk, approximate

1 stick of butter

Salt and pepper


Boil the potatoes (with skin on) together with eggs until the potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes.  Rinse under cold water to stop cooking.  Place potatoes on a paper towel to dry and cool.  Shell the eggs and slice.  After potatoes are cool enough to handle, peel and cut into slices.


Butter an 8" by 11" casserole dish (or use cooking spray).  Preheat oven to 450 degrees.


Mix sour cream with enough milk (about 1/2 cup) to thin it to the consistency where it can be poured or spooned over the potatoes.  Melt the butter.


Place a layer of potato slices on the bottom of the casserole dish, using about 1/3 of the slices.  Then make a layer of eggs with 1/2 of the slices.  Spoon or pour 1/3 of the sour cream over the layer and then about 1/3 of the butter.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.


Repeat this again.  The eggs should be used up.  For the final layer, just add the remaining potatoes.  Pour last 1/3 of sour cream and butter over the top.


Bake for 45 minutes, until the top is browned.


This is actually better if you cook the day before and reheat before serving.  Reheat in a 400 or 450-degree oven for about 30 minutes.  If you already have something in the oven, you can use that temperature and just cook it longer.  The top will get crisp and it should be heated through.


Yield:  8-12 servings, depending on size



Babs Glazier is a financial planning consultant who enjoys cooking for her family.  She has contributed several delicious recipes to ShalomBoston.com.