Charoset Around the World
13 Varieties!

Ivy Marwil

I love all of these versions of charoset.  I usually make at least 5 of them each Pesach.  It adds a lot of fun to the seder and everyone looks forward to trying the new tastes each year.

Food Editor's notes:  I haven't tried all of these recipes, but just the thought of 13 different types of charoset on one page was too much to pass up!  They all sound delicious to me - choose a couple to serve at your seder to liven up the pre-meal ritual and inspire interesting conversation on Jewish observance in other cultures.  Ivy has contributed several wonderful recipes to and this is a very welcome addition!

15 dates chopped, 15 figs chopped, 4 tabelspoons sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon ginger, honey, coriander, red wine, pinch of red pepper.  Grind dried fruits first and then add remaining ingredients.


1 apple-grated, 25 dates, ½ cup ground almonds, ½ cup ground pine or pistachio nuts, ½ cup yellow raisins, banana, orange, juice of ½ lemon.  1 teaspoon cinnamon, ½ cup red wine,  1 tablespoon each of cloves, cardamon, black pepper, ½ cup cider vinegar.



1 cup dates, 1 cup figs, 1 cup apricots (all finely chopped). 1 cup finely chopped almonds or walnut, 2 apples grated.



2 cups dates, ½ cup each dark and yellow raisins, ½ cup walnuts, 1-2 tablespoons Passover wine.  Process all ingredients.  When sticky, shape into balls.



1 cup currants, 1 cup raisins, 1 cup almonds or pine nuts chopped, 1 cup dates, 4 tablespoons honey, sweet wine.


1 cup dates, 1 cup raisins, 2 oranges chopped, ½ cup honey, 1 cup almonds or walnuts ground, cinnamon, ginger, ½ cup wine.  Cook dates, raisins, oranges, and honey for 20 minutes and then add the remaining ingredients.



¼ cup each-walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, ½ cup raisins, 1 cup dates, 1 ½ tablespoons cinnamon and allspice, ½ teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon nutmeg.  Combine all ingredients.



1 lb. raisins, 8 oz. dates, 2 cups water, ¼ cup sugar, ¼ cup chopped walnuts or pecans, 1 teaspoon ginger, wine.  Soak raisins and dates in water to cover for one hour, add sugar and whirl in blender.  Simmer in saucepan until liquid is absorbed, about 20 minutes.  When cool, add nuts.



1 cup dates, 4 cups apples, 2 cups apricots, 1 cup chopped walnuts, ½ cup sweet wine.  Cook dates, apples and apricots in water to cover for 15 minutes; drain. Process with wine and add chopped nuts.


8 oz. unsweetened coconut, 8 oz. walnuts or almonds chopped, ¼ cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 8 oz. raisins, dried apples, prunes, apricots, pears, 4 oz. cherry jam, sweet red wine.  Combine all but jam and wine in pot. Add water to cover and simmer and stir for 90 minutes. Add jam, cool, and add wine.



1 ½ cup chestnut paste, 10 oz. dates chopped, 12 oz. figs chopped, 2 tablespoons poppy seeds. ½ cup each almonds and walnuts chopped, ½ cup pine nuts, grated orange rind, ½ cup white raisins, ¼ cup dried apricots, ½ cup brandy, honey to bind.  Combine all ingredients.



1 lb. (3) apples (cored & grated), ½ cup almonds or walnuts, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, ¼ cup sweet red wine (approximately).



2 apples (peeled and grated), 2 mashed bananas, 14 pitted dates, 1/3 cup blanched grand almonds, ¼ cup matzo meal, juice and rind of ½ lemon and 1 orange, ¼ cup sweet red wine, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and sugar.


Ivy Marwil lives in Providence, Rhode Island.  She is married and the mother of two grown sons.  Besides Ivy's full-time clinical practice in psychotherapy, she loves to cook and especialy likes trying new recipes.  She is interested in Jewish food from the different corners of the world.


Charoset Around the World